Thursday, July 26, 2012

I'm Gonna Teach You Magic

Let's talk about a humane experience that changed our society. 

The best thing about it is you absorb the knowledge, the opinions and in some selected, yet wonderful moments, you feel the pains and joys of the writer. 

Every now and then, their writings pop in your brain just like a last (song) "book" syndrome. 
You think about them as often as you should have.
 Then eventually, they become a part of your life. 
You live with those ideals that were originally just printed words on second hand books.
 They  become a part of you.

Reading is uniquely different from any other "hobbies". Reading is never passive. 
The act itself will require lazy human beings to at least do one single important activity: 
use their brains.

Reading gives you the time in the world to build your dreams,
 work with the power of your imagination, 
discover worlds unkown to you, 
realize your inner desires and learn your apprehensions. 
It practically can, and often does, 
change a person. 
That's magic.

Then one day, you have to share that knowledge to others. 
You tell stories of words that turned into adventures.
 And you tell adventures that turned into memories.
I can't imagine my life, and even yours,  without strings of words.
 I don't know if a human being can turn into a sensible creature 
without the magic of words on print. 
I don't know if civilization would even realize 
how to show great pleasure over a glass of coke 
without highfalutin words to describe the experience. 
Coke, yes, I'm talking about the thirst quenching ability the coke can give a dried up throat in one single sip. 
Those are words.
 Again, very magical.

Currently Reading: Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. 
(I won't hide the fact that it pains me how humans can be so inhumane. Hitler, whatever came into you, is beyond my capacity to understand.)


  1. Amazing post. Love the main though about magic in reading books. Couldn't agree more. ^^ :)

  2. I LOVE magic = reading. I bought 5 books that are waiting to be read.I'm on page 30 of In Cold Blood by Truman Capote right now

  3. The whole story playing in your mind and the faces of the characters already formed, that's the best part about reading!
    Not just reading the lines and understanding the plot, but being fully absorbed in that part of the world!

    Lovely Post!

  4. This is exactly what I love about reading but never quite knew how to put into words! I am going on vacation this week and am SO excited to spend some serious time reading on the beach!

  5. I love reading... it's one of my most favorite things.

  6. i always go through reading phases, sometimes i will read a bunch of books in a week then i wont read for awhile...i should start up again!


  7. looovvve this post!!! tweeting it now!

  8. hi nang you should read The Book Thief by MaRkus Zusak.Another amazing book about the Holocaust. ILY!:)


Thank you for dropping by. Happiness and peace be with you. :)


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