Thursday, May 17, 2012

Arousal: I assure you (PROMISE)

In Psychiatric Nursing, there's this amazing term we call Fetishism.

1. (Psychiatry) a condition in which the handling of an inanimate object or a specific part of the body other than the sexual organs is a source of sexual satisfaction via

 Amazing. I told you. This post is so exciting and arousing you just have to read until the end. (I'm not a pervert, I hope you believe me).

One Spring day and folks, we have spring here in the Philippines too! haha. I'm not legit. There's this particular time of the year when trees began to blossom and it suddenly feels like our own "tropical" spring. 

Then this friend:

She's an amazing person and I have always looked up on her. But when she started talking about how trees of any kind arouses her, I began wondering how I ever became friends with that person. She talked about trees like they're some kind of FHM model or a porn superstar.

Roma, you can accuse me of libel now.  

But what scared me was when she began running around the campus while sniffing like a wild dog. She run ahead of us looking for the "tree". I'm telling you, she knows the smell of a specific tree while we were standing 200 meters away from it. 

I'm talking about this tree:

This is the poor old Narra tree that my dear friend admired, glared and worshiped for several minutes.

You have to understand that we are not a group of pervert individuals. Fetishism is just a word for us to coin the extraterrestrial level of love we have for specific things.

 Like eggs, just eggs. Okay, and chocolates.


  1. i know that thing 'fetishism'. believe me, haha. i don't know you like egg that much :)

  2. ...I don't even know what to say O_O

    1. haha. sorry Zia, maybe I disturbed you with this post ;)

  3. too funny! not sure about the trees ... but chocolate ... that could do it for me. ;)

    1. the trees are the weirdest. high five for choco!

  4. I think your different outlook and your food looks yummy.

    1. hehe. Thanks Jessica! They're really super yummy!

  5. Lol about the trees! Too funny. And omg that egg and fried rice looks AMAZING!

    ♥ Duckie.

    1. I can't explain how yummy that fried rice was! :D

  6. Hahaha, that's hilarious about the tree. And those eggs and rice look YUMMY!!!!

  7. 0_0 Yeah. I've just talked with our family lawyer.


Thank you for dropping by. Happiness and peace be with you. :)


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