Saturday, May 5, 2012

Seaweed Ecstasy

I don’t like seaweeds in the beach. 

I think they make the “pretty” water less appealing. They’re also slimy, which is not a good feeling especially when you find a green mushy thing stuck in your cleavage after you swam ala Michael Phelps. Still, they’re harmless and a proof that the ecosystem is still breathing so I guess they’re not really that annoying. I may not like to look at them but I LOVE eating them. Not straight from the beach water of course.

In the Philippines, seaweeds are popularly known as gulaman. And if you say gulaman over here, it would mean three delicious foods. These, the sweet versions:

Buko Pandan
made of coconut, gelatin, tapioca and condensed milk

Sago't Gulaman
made mainly of gelatin, tapioca and sugar

And this, the sour and amazing appetizer:

Kinilaw na Lato 
made of seaweeds of course, vinegar, tomatoes and onions

But currently, I’m in love with something that’s absolutely not Filipino, this:

I ate California Maki once and Korea’s version kimbap once too and I drooled thereafter. I love the after taste and I naively thought it was some ancient seasoning that made the taste different and pleasurable. 

Then a friend gave me a pack of seasoned seaweed (Laver) and she told me it’s completely safe to eat it alone, just like your regular Pringles, so I took the plunge. 

I was awed. 

The HEAVENLY taste I always loathed from the Japanese and Korean roll was actually the seaweed wrap. And so my friends, I vowed from then on to eat my dinner with a laver, ALWAYS. 

I just bought three packs of it last Monday and I’m telling you, I’m enjoying it, even with just plain rice.
So that’s my seaweed story, how about yours? lol

Just like my love for seaweeds, I'm also in love in meeting new friends. I was thrilled to meet another Filipino blogger named Katharine who blogs at Life Through His Eyes. So everyone, here she is:

Hello ladies! I'm Katharine, the girl behind Life Through His Eyes.
I am having a fresh start as a fresh grad in a different land -- Hanoi -- my new home away from home. So most of my blogs would be about my expat life in Hanoi and other random ramblings. :)

I am a traveler and a language learner.
I love music...a lot!
I love LOVE. 
and most importantly...
I am a daughter of God who hopes to inspire other young ladies and everyone who comes across my blog to see the beauty of life through His lenses. 

Hope to see you there and leave me some love!
*Thanks Kath! please, please visit her! I really think she's such a sweet person and sh'es got an amazing voice too! :D


  1. Hi Ron! Thank you so much for this sweet post and introduction. :) And its amazing that you blog about the beauty of our country. Looking forward for more posts from you :D

    (no replying on your email haha)


    1. haha, my friends even told me I should join the dep. of Tourism. lol

  2. I meant "NOW replying on your email" :))))

  3. Hi dear Ronida! Thank you for following my blog, I'm following you back. On the right corner is "translate my blog" you can translate everything with one click on the mouse ;o). I know that it's not perfect english... Let me know how is it. Have a nice day. XOxo V.V.

  4. That appetizer and salad look really really awesome! :)

  5. Wow, I've never tried seaweed, but those desserts looked amazing! especially the Sago't Gulaman, I'll definitely try it :)

    1. You should! It's really yummy and refreshing (since we both live under two well heated countries. lol)

  6. lovely pictures. I would love to try seaweed!

    1. Thanks Sandra! Do it now, it will be worth it :D

  7. Omg you've been missing out! Seaweed has been a staple part of my life since I was still a baby. I guess because I am Korean it was kind of part of my culture growing up. My kids LOVE sushi, seaweed, furikake, musubis, etc. Oh, and you've totally inspired me to post a musubi recipe for tomorrow's Tasty Tuesday post on my blog! Lol.

    ♥ Duckie.

  8. Thanks for the sweet comment Aimee! Checking your blog now and already liked you in FB :D


Thank you for dropping by. Happiness and peace be with you. :)


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