Monday, May 7, 2012

SuperGirl meets SuperMoon (Plus her SuperDream)

 Photo by the super lucky, right-timing girrllll ever,  Maria Reylan Garcia

"Shoot for the moon; even if you miss 
you'll land 
among the stars.
- Les Brown

Have you seen the moon yesterday? In the Philippines, it was the evening of May 6 when Luna greeted everyone with it's extra zoomed in beauty.  Due to different time zones, I'm still amazed the moon still looked perfectly brilliant all over the world.

According to google, SuperMoons happen 4-6 times each year but last night's the most powerful and the brightest that had occurred.

I tried to take my own photo after Nang Rey's shot, but epic fail. My camera wasn't able to capture what I've seen with my eyes. I had 20 photos, all looking more like a flickering lamp post than a mystical beauty.


I have this bucket list where I write things down, some of them I'm just dreaming to accomplish. Then Kat from Life Through His Eyes told me about Rae's project in Chasing Kite Tails. I was stoked. 

I knew from the start it was something. And I'm sooooooooooooo happy to meet all of my new friends! You can check about the project here.

Sad to say, batch September2012 is already close for signing up but as Rae said, you're welcome to join the next batch! ;D

Tadda, here's what I'm trying to accomplish starting, well, starting this morning.

Backpack in 3 different locations in Bohol, Philippines.


  1. Can't believe I missed that moon! I'll check tonight to see if it's still awesome;)

    That project sounds great! I wish you the best of luck with whatever goal it is you chose!

  2. I CA the moon looked like a little light bulb. Best wishes on the paths your looking to take.

  3. I would love to backpack, love, love, love to backpack through Europe.

  4. I totally missed the moon. Lame.
    And I would love to backpack through the Phillipines. Actually, I would love to GO to the Phillipines.

  5. First off, you too cute. Second, that moon picture I am jealous. I was outside for an hour shooting pictures and mine didn't look like that dang it!

  6. Really good post :) hope you can check out my blog. xo

  7. Your blog is gorgeous! Following you,
    Vote for me on fashiolista contest- I'm on final!
    MaryKapsi for TheFashionGuitar

  8. The super moon looks awesome. I missed it :(
    And I like your backpacking goal...very cool!


  9. I have that saaame quote in one of my recent posts! Want to follow each other sweetie?? Let me know!

    Belle De Jour

  10. Saw the supermoon and I could say that it was really pretty and amazing!! I also tried to take a photo of it but failed.. Just followed you.. Hope you can follow me too...

  11. ohhh when are you going to go backpacking? That sounds amazing. Can I join? haha. Sadly, I didn't get to see the super moon! But that picture you took is awesome!

  12. Backpacking sounds like a blast! I hope you get to tackle that challenge :)


Thank you for dropping by. Happiness and peace be with you. :)


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