Monday, May 14, 2012

Who are you?

Just like the other 2/3 of the Earth's population, I also own a Facebook. (What a revelation!) I had it four years ago and was also super duper excited to know that I can stalk anyone without revealing my true identity (unlike Friendster, gosh, I suddenly miss friendster....creating "cool" posts, making the "girliest" background and updating it with chart topping songs. )


Going back to Facebook. Do you know someone who has over 3ooo friends? I mean, seriously? A gazillion strangers can see your private photos (I'm talking about demure, vain photos :D), read your rantings and just know when and where you ate your dinner each day of the month. Gazillion of strangers know you online and you don't even know 80% of them personally. 

I have over a thousand friends in FB, that's before I decided to unfriend 50% of them. Yes folks, I allowed 500 unknown people to take a peak of my own small private life. That's basically because I added all people who have "Ronida" as their first names and all those that have my last name too. Hey, I just want to make amends to some of my long lost relatives that even my mom and dad never met. And I was thrilled to realize that I'm not the only Ronida in the planet. I grew up with this egocentric belief that my name is sooooo unique and no mother ever thought of naming their child with exactly R-O-N-I-D-A, aside from my own mama. (My papa is named ROmmel and mama is NIDA--- the history of my historic identity). So I sent friend requests to people from the Philippines extending to Indonesia and Albania. I wanted to know all of them, because apparently, I just know all Ronidas are amazing people. 

Again, about the Facebook chaos. I received a chat and a message in timeline from two people named xxxxxx with a profile picture of a whatever-anime-character-i'm-not-aware-of. She/He (They) know me and I have no idea who he/she (they) are. Then brutally asked, "who are you", then, taraaa, turns out she is my best friend and he is my high school classmate. I literally have to scan their profiles and look for some comprehensible photos where I can recognize them. 

Why can't people remain their real selves in FB? I think FB is meant for families and friends to keep in touch, sort of. You can always protect your privacy by choosing who you invite as friends and it's super easy to tweak your privacy settings. And I definitely think FB is not a blog or a private, intimate letter where you can blurt out your hurt and hate for the world. There are better ways to communicate, to show respect and appreciation. There are REAL ways and means to show concern or to be heard by someone. FB is a great tool if people live miles apart but everyone may raise their hands to agree with me, nothing beats a personal and intimate conversation with a live human being. There's no LOLing when you're actually hurt badly. There's no I <3 YOU when you really feel burdened. There's no OK when really, it's not OKAY.


I want you to meet Tiffany who is really super patient and kind. Check her blog here.

Tiffany @ Blabbering Thoughts

Introduction: Me - 
I am a mommy, future wifey, wannabe blogger, Indy car fanatic, social media obsessed, undomesticated woman.
 My blog -  
I write about random things going on in my life. It ranges from my
kids, to me, to the world, to food, to MAYBE fashion, of course a little
 pinning action, to my love life, to just about ANYTHING. My blog is not
 promised to one thing, I blog for me & hopefully people enjoy
reading my nonsense.


  1. Found your blog through Tiffany. Nice to "meet" you. Totally know what you mean about the Facebook thing although I kinda feel that way about blogging too. We share so much an never know who is on the end reading. Yikes! Little scary sometimes. New follower. Hope you follow my journey as well.

    1. Nice to meet you too Jessah!Blogging is more "revealing" I guess but I feel comfortable because I know only selected people who know me actually readds my blog. lol :D

  2. ha ha ha Ronida, you crack me up. I am the opposite I feel like Miki, spelled like that is so unique, so if anyone has my name they are auto black listed! I hate it! Selfish girl, w/e! I think you're right though, facebook is meant for keeping in touch not friending the whole plants =)

    1. haha. I did feel sad after knowing I'm not the only Ronida, but it gets easy after sometime. lol

  3. Hey there! I know how you feel about facebook... It's crazy who you can find on FB. My dad was in the Navy and we moved around a lot when I was little so I never had any long term friendships. I have actually been able to find them on FB and it's pretty neat! I also found out that I have millions of cousins that I never even knew about. Like you I always thought no one else had my name, Maribel. Come to find out its pretty common in Mexico! I love your sense of humor and I'm your newest follower :)


    1. Haha. You're right about that Maribel. It's sure a good way to reconnect! :D

  4. You're so right about FB. I too went and defriended a few people from my profile. I never talk to them and I din't want them lulling over my FB. I can't imagine why you would want to have over 3000 friends... That's a little crazy/ Great post and I really like your blog! I'm your new follower from :)

    1. I felt safe after unfriending those unknown people! :D

  5. haha... I had someone with my same first and last name friend me awhile back, but ONLY ONE. Its kind of interesting to see her pop up on my news feed. I couldn't name 300 friends... or even names of people for that matter, so I don't know how anyone could have 3,000 plus fb friends.

    1. I never met someone with both my first and last name. If that happens, that would be amazing! haha

  6. Nice blog! That is a weird experience :p

  7. i wonder what would replace facebook.

  8. GREAT post, Ronida :) I could spend forever reading your blog (but I run out of things to read and I end up re-reading!). Oh and I like what you did at the end, Tiffany's blog is really interesting so thanks for posting about that too. :)

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