Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Crazy/Stupid Habit #1

I'm going to change my Dear Future Me feature in this blog to my  Crazy/Stupid Habits. I don't know if this will sound right right, but yes, I'm going to document all the perks of being a girl with a circus brain, the kind of circus where cannibals and mermaids are the main attractions:

(I don't want to be mean, I'm just trying to show the kind of circus I'm referring)

This feature is not intended to humiliate my dear self to the blogging world (but maybe it's still going to happen). This is one way for me to really look deeper within my own scope of existence and ponder what's absolutely ruining my awesome life, or maybe, what's making it more awesome.  SO here you go, habit #1:


If only I know what's the cause of this or if this is a disease or something (I wish the medical world would acknowledge this as a valid diagnosis so I can just write it in my excuse letter: I'm late because my tardiness syndrome attacked me in the middle of a very cold morning while I was comfortably snuggled in my bed.) Life would have been better for me!

Tardiness Syndrome has 3 major signs and symptoms: 
(be sure to recognize each one of these. If present, seek immediate consultation)


1. Inability to hear the bombastic alarm tone set at the fullest volume. Might be accompanied by the reflex of pressing the snooze button for the nth time (I personally think my cellphone battery gets drain easily because my alarm has to go on and on)


2. Consistent memory loss or mindlessness over a specific schedule maybe aggravated by a fully-packed to-do list with no ability to check the clock  (time flies too fast, especially to a late comer like me)


3. Jerky movements exhibited by legs caused by panic, fear and anxiety. Maybe accompanied by sweaty palms, increased heart rate and the repetition of these lines "You're so stupid. I will never be late again.promise.promise.promise.promise.promise.")

There you have it. What about you, any crazy/stupid habits to share? 
Post a comment below or email me! :D


  1. umm, i have that symtomp no.1 for like....my whole life.

    1. haha. yes. this is a a bad habit I can never fix.


Thank you for dropping by. Happiness and peace be with you. :)


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