Sunday, March 11, 2012

Never Been Kissed

Let me tell you a dream that I have been dreaming since I was 7------->

Be with a boy that's completely right for me.

Haaa. Hopeless romantic I know. I'm still praying for that day to come that I'll meet him. :D
My friend told me not to be so sad about it and gave this wonderful line:
"God is just busy creating the perfect love story for you, so be patient and wait for that to happen."
She also told me to enjoy being single ( oh yeah, been enjoying it for the past 20 years, I know, I know, stop ranting) and explore the possibilities of flirting and then bang, okay. The main problem is, I have no idea on how to flirt, sure I know the basics, but I definitely don't have the courage to bat my eyelashes and flip my hair, it just freaks me out.

But wait, this friend told me that she'll be teaching me her simple yet effective style tomorrow, how cool is that. Can't wait.

On my way to master the art of flirting. 


  1. show me the ropes dayon nang. I truly madly deeply need to know the art of flirting! nyahaha


Thank you for dropping by. Happiness and peace be with you. :)


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