Monday, March 19, 2012

Happy Thoughts

Review starts later!!! So yeah, I haven't thought that I'll be this excited to study nursing but I am! So since my days would be pretty full from now on on, I'm going to delete this blog.

Naaa. Kidding, I'm going to change my schedule of writing my posts, so instead of 11PM (Philipine time and that's 11AM in the US I guess), I'll do it at around 7-8 AM (so yeah, 12 hour difference so that's 7-8PM in US).

I want to start this week with an overflowing positivity! The kind that can punch all the evil spirits who might just be lingering somewhere around me for the the remaining days of the week... I know, there would be plenty of dementor-like entities, it's review time and I'm just extremely scared knowing that I only have 3months to prepare for that big day, my licensure exam!

1.) Pasta!

Food never failed to boost my happy hormones and I'm definitely treating myself some of these within the week! :D

2.) Shower Longer


I've been running late most of the time so I have to leave shower within 20 minutes! Maybe this week, I'll try to schedule a longer time for this wonderful part of the day just to make sure I'm not forgetting to pamper myself!

3.) Groove often!

Did I ever mention that I'm such an awesome dancer? (You haven't seen me hide behind my friends when we had to dance for a class requirement) But I'm a magnificent dancer alone, partly because that opinion comes only from me and maybe I just can unleash my inner Shakira-spirit behind closed doors. I've always hated dancing in public but mind you, with curtains down and doors locked, I'm a total dancing diva! I'll be locking my door again within this week just so I can swag all the negative vibes away! swagger me.

4.) Thought Blocking


In Psychiatric Nursing, I've learned about thought blocking. It's a kind of defense mechanism where you consistently master the art of not thinking anything bad at all, whenever blue thoughts pop out, you MUST smash them with a heavy hammer! I just have to do this. I noticed how over thinking drains majority of my energy that should be reserved for hard work. So yup, no more stressful thinking!


  1. Great way to start a brand new week :)

    1. Yup! I think I should always do this, just to remind myself that there are just many things to look forward for. :D

  2. I've started doing thought-blocking on the regular and it's actually a rather powerful practice!!


    1. Yes I agree! It's like "I don't care, I'm doing this no matter what" kind of thing.

  3. Ahh, this is so good that you're going to try to work harder on these things. :) I definitely need to have more positive thoughts.. and longer showers sound awesome, too! I hope that your week is most excellent and filled with much pasta and positivity. >:D

    1. Thanks Ali! Got to save up for that wonderful pasta! haha

  4. hello,i'm a new reader.
    food can do no wrong and that shower is a good idea.

    1. Hello Nikskie! SO happy to have an Asian follower! Saw your blog and I love it! Good food+long shower=awesome life! :D

  5. Good advise about thought blocking. I have my sledgehammer ever ready.

    1.'s a pretty good way to stay happy. :D

  6. good luck with school! nursing is such an awesome career. wish i had the nurture for it.

  7. Good luck with nursing school!!!! You can do it! Let me know if you ever need any help!

  8. found my way over from twiggy's blog!
    love that pic of that little boy.
    and good luck with nursing school!
    xx jes

  9. Good luck for your exam! In june I will have my high school graduation exam and I'm scared as well!!!

  10. i just found your blog. good luck with nursing school! and i love the quote: think less live more! so true

    1. Thank you Julia for taking the time of reading my blog...

  11. I just graduated from nursing school in Dec. Good luck!

  12. Long showers are one of my favourite things!

    1. You are right Lo! They are just awesome! Too bad I'm not to get a lot of them lately! Have a great day!


Thank you for dropping by. Happiness and peace be with you. :)


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