Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday Hurray!

Weekdays finally over! There are a lot of things to be happy about. Before I started my week, I talked about the things that I would really want to happen this week here. As of this Friday, I was only able to do not even half of them. I just don't have that needed time yet. Anyways, even if things didn't go as planned, I still have tons of things to be really, really grateful!

1. Thesis Approved for Hardbound!

I just wanna do some kind of summersault yesterday! We were working with our thesis for almost 2 years and for approximately 6 months, it became like the center of my universe. Yes, it has become more important than my looks, my health and my ego. It's only 2 units, very little compared to my other 8 unit subjects but it ate up a lot of our precious time... So, it's all done! All of our panelists signed for their approval so it's a sure thing no more dreadful nights for editing! <3

2. At least, I was able to eat pasta this week.

It's one of my comfort foods. It's a typical Italian Spaghetti from a local restaurant here in our city.

3. I am definitely enjoying the review!

The reviewers are so awesome! I won't even leave my chair even if my bladder really felt like exploding already. (Okay, I did went  to the restroom for like 3 times) But I always feel that I'll be missing alot of things even if I leave the room for just 3 minutes. Discussions were fast and lively and I was able to appreciate human anatomy better. This sounds boring, but I thought then anatomy was also sooooooo boring (I got a 2.5 on it on my 1st year) but they just presented it differently.

4. Today is salary day!

Aha. I'm not super materialistic but who can go without money? I'm planning to buy one of these, so mama and papa can eat with me:

And here's an addition to my cute friends!


  1. I love pasta!!(of course I am italian) ;)

  2. congrats on the thesis hon! and i love salary day...haha

  3. You have an award to pick up. Please visit my blog for details.

    1. Thank you Debbie! I will work on it and tag the others! First blog award! <3

  4. Pictures of adorable babies ALWAYS get me. These are adorable. Oh my gosh. It makes me miss the days of babysitting! Hehe! CONGRATS on your thesis! That is a huge accomplishment! You should go celebrate and go crazy :) Thank you so much for your comment :)

    1. Thanks Magey! After graduation, I'll celebrate like crazy. lol... You're welcome! I love your blog! <3


Thank you for dropping by. Happiness and peace be with you. :)


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