Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday Hurray

Weekdays finally over! Who celebrates that better than a student? 
Tell me!


Everything is just moving too fast. It felt like I have to slow down and savor every single moment in my last 2 weeks in college. Nevertheless, this week gave me numerous blessings and realizations that I'm too grateful and I just can't keep it to myself, so here you go guys, spreading the happy hormones all over this post:

1.) New Header!

Did you notice? harhar. I'm no photoshop expert and I can't even make an effort to install it in my laptop. So excuse the messy editing and the pixelated feel. But common, I've been a Grade A "paint" editor for the past years and this one (obviously not done in paint) is a product of my new discovery, check here. I'm so thankful for this website, it saved me from my another medieval phase.

2.) Review Center Issues

It's just the hype! I knew then that review for the boards is stressful but I never thought that choosing a review center is even more draining! This is a sensitive topic so I won't be talking much about it. I just wanna point out that I had made my decision and sticking to it is probably one of the bravest moves I've ever done. And just to clarify everything: I have always been proud of my school and I won't be needing any highfalutin words and self sacrifice just to point out my loyalty.

3.) Say cheese!

The perks of graduation! You can ask almost anything and you have a 99% assurance of zero refusal! Remember my medieval phase number 1? Check here. My dearest cousin fulfilled my inner fantasy, I'm flying to London my friends! 

London Eye


Kidding aside, she's buying me this sweet thing:

Sony DSC-W630/P


It's time to say adios to low quality, awkward laptop photos (I guess)

Happy Friday everyone!

(It's actually Saturday already here in the Philippines)

Plus Friday is the time for us to enjoy the little kids (at home and in our hearts) just like these adorable little ones:






  1. That's awesome!
    I would like to go to London some day, make sure to take a lot of pictures with your new camera :)

    1. I'm not actually going to London but really hoping to go there someday. :) My cousin's buying me a camera. (too excited) :DD

    2. Wow, I guess I missunderstood that part... well, I'm still curious, if you're not going to London what does the phrase "I'm flying to London my friends!" means? D: (btw, if it's an expression, you must know that I'm still learning how to speak english)...

    3. Maybe you missed this part "Kidding aside, she's buying me this sweet thing:"? Don't worry, I'm not expert in English too! :D

    4. Hahaha!! okay :D we're still learning :')

  2. cute blog. thanks for following, by the way.
    i'm returning the love :)

  3. haha cute kids! love that last one - so sassy!

  4. Yay! You're finally getting a camera! Woohoo!

    ♥ Duckie.

  5. yay for new headers! i love doing that. though i must say i'm super impressed you did it in PS. i always am a cheater and use picnik or something. :)

    happy weekend to you friend!

    1. I didn't actually use PS because I just can't figure it out. lol. I used, it's a life saver! haha... Happy weekend!

  6. Oh these kid are so cute!



Thank you for dropping by. Happiness and peace be with you. :)


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