Friday, March 2, 2012

The Origin

Fourteen years ago, I wrote my first masterpiece. I finished writing a poem consisting of four lines dedicated to my guardian angel. At 20, I can still remember the six-year-old pride I had when I finally finished the final draft and showed it to my aunt. I used simple words and surely had their spellings incorrectly. But even if I forgot what made me write it, I know it was written with great emotion. It was my very first and the reason why at six, I decided I want to be a writer. 


  1. the first "piece" I wrote that determined the next years of my life was a poem entitled "beauty is in a mother" and I was 10.

    May we both improve pa gid nang. Haha

  2. Haha. Yup! Let's keep writing and blogging! LOL


Thank you for dropping by. Happiness and peace be with you. :)


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